Brokenness to Beauty

Transforming Your Brokenness into a Beautiful Life


DSCN0055Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Jacqueline Wallace. I was born and raised in the mitten state of Michigan, have lived in Florida, Canada, northern and then southern California, Georgia, West Virginia for almost 20 years, central California, and currently southern California again.

I have been happily married for over 40 years to my college sweetheart, Randy. I am a mom of two sons and two daughters-in-law and grandma to 5 grandchildren. And they are–grand, that is!

When I was 15 years old I was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis (MG), a severe and often life-threatening muscle weakness. At age 57 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and went through a year and a half of treatment. To this day I am cancer free, thank God. Life has had its good and bad days, but I am happy to be alive; I love life!

During cancer treatment, I started writing a blog which led to writing a book. In my book, Brokenness to Beauty: Transforming Your Brokenness into a Beautiful Life, I share how I have been able to live with a lifelong, debilitating disease, cancer, and other physical problems and still be joyful and hopeful. My desire is to encourage others in their struggles in life, whatever those struggles may be. I set up this blog,, to continue blogging and book writing, reaching out to more people, sharing the hope I have found in the midst of my life struggles.

Leave a comment (constructive only, please) at the bottom of the page. I’d love to hear from you.

I hope you enjoy this blog and find it encouraging. Click the “follow” button and join us on this journey.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks, Jed. I look forward to following your blog!

  2. Jacqueline, I salute the Author of your story, your courage and candor, and the mosaic above, so emblematic of your ongoing journey!

    • Thank you for stopping by Laurie! Yes, God is great and worthy of praise! May he be glorified and both our endeavors!

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